Look for Things

Monday, March 19, 2012

Affirmation-Do it!

If this quotation is true, think of the people in your life that may never know their impact on the world. It is so important to tell those who have impacted you or are impacting you today how much they mean to you and how valuable they are. This seems like such a small thing, but it can mean so much to the receiver of the encouragement. 

How can you encourage someone today? Send them a Facebook message, buy a package of note cards from Target. You can get these for about $6 in the store. You could send an email, a gift card or even a bouquet of flowers. This gesture can be as big or as small as you want.

When you give out your encouragement make sure that your encouragement includes the following: The reason/reasons you appreciate this person, a personal story of how they have encouraged you or made a difference in your life, and an encouraging scripture that is applicable to them. 

This can make a huge difference in someone's life today. You never know when the enemy is attacking someone. Pray that you encouragement points the receiver to Jesus and where our identity is ultimately found.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So, I usually don't believe in New Years resolutions and this year wasn't any different. I was at Denver Christmas Conference on New Years Eve worshiping the Lord through the New Year. This New Years Day was no different. I didn't resolve to change a thing. Since then, my good friend and discipler, Nicole Goeking, was telling me that her husband has resolved to read 52 books this year. That is one book a week! Holy Smokes! I have a huge list of books that I have been meaning to read, and I think maybe this is the time to make a resolution, well a late resolution. 

I resolve to read 15 books that point me to Jesus this year.  15 books that help me understand the grace of God, the sinfulness of man, and helps me fall more in love with my Savior. That's about one book every 3-4 weeks. I'm excited to see what the Lord shows me this year.

This list is tentative but it is as follows, for now.

1. Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis
2. Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges
3. The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
4. Forgotten God by Francis Chan
5. Weird by Craig Craig Groeschel
6. Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper
7. Radical Together by David Platt
8. Lady in Wating by Debbie Jones
9. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
10. Kisses from Katie by Katie J. Davis
11. When Helping Hurts
12. Doctrine by Mark Driscoll
13. Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller
14. Breaking Free by Beth Moore
15. Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer